Starting Price: It means ad owner price for the product or service.
Reserve Price: Here place the lowest amount you want to sell your item because bids will not be taken below this price for your ad. Place zero if you want to allow every bid.
Start DateTime: select starting date and time of your ad.
End DateTime: select the ending date and time of your ad.
Step 3
After posting the ad. This information will appear on the ad page showing all the details of the auction.
Note: The image is showing public auction type that is why it is displaying the number of bids received.
Step 4
After clicking the ” Place bid” button on the ad page a popup will appear like this. Bidder can send message, phone number, and up to 3 images along with the bid price to the Ad owner.
Step 5
Ad owners will be notified after getting every new bid by the 1. notification icon 2. by receiving an email
Step 6
Ad owners can see their bids list by clicking the bid history button on my ads page and can sort the bids from high to low and low to high by clicking the arrows beside the “Amount”.
After the auction ended, the top 3 bidders will receive an email. In case the highest bidder is unavailable to contact or anything else happens second or third highest bidders may give the chance in the row to buy the product.
Note: If two persons offer the same amount, the first bidder will become the first highest bidder and the other will become the second-highest bidder.
Difference between Private and Public Auction
Public Auction
In this type, along with the ad owner other users can see the bid price and the number of bids received
when link below bid history is pressed a pop up will show the bids list like this.
Private Auction
In private bidding, only the ad owner can see the number of bids received and bids price on bid history page which can be find on my ads page or on my ads section on my account page.